Medical Bankruptcy

Filing a Bankruptcy due to Medical Bills

Medical Bankruptcy

According to a recent study conducted by Harvard Medical School, over 60% of U.S. bankruptcies are prompted from medical bills that cannot be paid. Even worst, most had health insurance but coverage gaps, deductibles and caps in policy create the need to consider filing a bankruptcy.

If you are considering a bankruptcy because you have medical debt, the Law Office of Paul Post can help you.

Contact our office now for a Free Medical Bankruptcy Consultation or call us at 785-273-1353 in Topeka or 800-347-1353.

Working with medical creditors can be tough to deal with and tend to be the most inflexible in working on a repayment plan. Unless your income is solely from social security or meets certain minimums established by bankruptcy law, filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is usually the only option.


Kansas Bankruptcy
